

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 9 years ago


Welcome to week 4! You are almost there. Keep going.

Moderators- Shelly Terrell, Tanya Trusler, Michelle Worgan, Rosmery Ribera, Andre Spang, and Walton Burns


Click on any of these links to quickly visit that mission:



Week 4 Objectives


During the fourth week, you will:


  • complete part of chapter 1 and post for peer feedback

  • evaluate your peers' chapters and provide feedback

  • integrate one activity to engage learners

  • evaluate your peers' activities and provide feedback

  • attend a live session with moderators



Week 4 Missions


Mission 1, Days 1-4: Complete part of chapter 1


Complete part of chapter 1 of your e-textbook and post in the Google Community in the Wk 4 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk4EbookCh. Find resources about tools here,  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zucIIBP8wMz8z0bkgySW79xG0aWagnv7XaJjmrc9bBI/edit?usp=sharing



Mission 2, Days 2-3: Integrate an activity that engages learners


  • Explore ways to engage learners and have them contribute to your ebook.  Integrate one suggestion into your ebook and post for peers to evaluate and provide feedback.


  • Post in the Google Community in the Wk 4 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk4StudentActivity


  • Comment on your peers' posts.


Mission 3, Optional, Days 3-5: Add a technology or design element that supports learners


  • Explore various assistive technologies and materials to support learners with various needs.  Integrate one suggestion into your ebook.
  • Post in the Google Community in the Wk 4 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk4AssistiveTech
  • Comment on your peers' posts.



Mission 4, Optional, Days 3-5: Ebook student evaluation


  • Have one of your learners evaluate your e-textbook and provide feedback. 

  • Post their feedback in the Google Community in the Wk 4 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk4StudentFeedback
  • Ask for solutions from your peers.  


Mission 5, Day 5: Attend our Live Online Session


Each week your moderators will provide highlights, provide tips, and share your work in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend. 


Time & Date: Sunday, February 7th, 10amET/3pmUTC

Time zones, http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=%23EbookEVO+Wk1+HangOut&iso=20160207T15&p1=1440&ah=1 


Live Session URL: http://ebookevo.pbworks.com/w/page/70379800/hangouts 


Weekly Checklist


Did you....


  • complete part of chapter 1 of your e-textbook?

  • add an engaging activity for students?

  • add a design element or technology that supports learning needs?
  • ask a student for feedback on your e-textbook?
  • Attend the live HangOut session with moderators or catch the recording?


Readings and Resources


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