

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 9 years ago

Welcome to the final week! Congratulations! You made it!

Moderators- Shelly Terrell, Maria Irene Albers de Urriola, Lucia Bartolotti, and Sylvia Guinan



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Week 5 Objectives


During the last week, you will:


  • publish the first chapter of your e-textbooks and post for peer feedback

  • comment on and evaluate the published first chapters
  • reflect on your learning during this EVO session
  • Think about marketing your ebook
  • attend a live session with moderators

  • complete an online evaluation about your experience taking this session



Week 5 Missions


Mission 1, Days 1-3: Publish Chapter 1

1st. Complete chapter 1 of your e-textbook and post it to the Google Community in the Wk 5 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk5EbookChapter

It's clearly useful to obtain general feedback, but think about any specific points you'd like people to consider. For example:

  • Is the book accessible, in terms of being able to be used by people with special educational needs? Check out our Listly Accessibility links for more information, ideas and checklists on this subject.
  • Is it engaging?
  • Does it include prompts for readers to respond in some way?
  • Does it encourage readers to reflect on what they have learnt from reading it?


2nd. Comment on your peers' outlines.

  • Try to give positive feedback, but bear in mind that honesty is important too! If you have some criticisms, one way of making them more likely to be accepted is to use the 'assessment for learning' technique of 'Two stars and a wish'!
  • Research has shown that saying something like "Well done", or "Nice", may give the recipient a bit of an ego massage. However, while very welcome, it doesn't actually help them very much. A comment like "I like the way you have explained everything in very short sentences, with links to further resources" is much better.


3rd. Optional. Do you think your first chapter is ready for the world to view? If so, add your chapter to our Bookshelf, http://ebookevo.pbworks.com/bookshelf



Mission 2, Optional, Days 2-3: Create the cover for your e-textbook


1st. Create a cover for your of your e-textbook and post it to the Google Community in the post it to the Google Community in the Wk 5 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk5EbookCover

They say that you can't judge a book by its cover. However, the cover is the initial 'hook' for people. Basically, you have to get people to want to open the book in the first place. See our list of links to ebook cover resources. Check out Terry Freedman's List of Covers  http://list.ly/list/BdL-ebook-cover-resources 


And remember to ask your students what they think of the design.


Even though your ebook is free, and it's for your students, you still have to market it: not to sell it for money, but to enthuse and engage your students, their parents and even other teachers.


2nd. Comment on your peers' outlines. 



Mission 3, Days 3-5: Session Reflection


Reflect on your experience participating in this EVO session. Post in the Google Community in the Wk 5 thread for feedback. Use the hashtag #Wk5EbookReflection. Also, add your reflection to the Padlet below. Just click on the wall and leave a note. Find a larger wall at http://padlet.com/shellyterrell/ebookevo2016  



Mission 4, Days 3-5: Session Evaluation


Please let us know about your experience taking this session by filling out this evaluation form! We appreciate it!



Mission 5, Day 5: Attend our Live Online Session


Each week your moderators will provide highlights, provide tips, and share your work in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend. 


Time & Date: Sunday, February 14th, 10amET/3pmUTC Check your time zone here, http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=%23EbookEVO+Wk1+HangOut&iso=20160214T15&p1=1440&ah=1 


Live Session URL: http://ebookevo.pbworks.com/hangouts 


Receive a Certificate of Achievement


Thank you so much for participating in the 2016 EVO Ebook Session! To receive your certificate of completion please fill-out this form, http://ebookevo.pbworks.com/CertificateForm. You must have completed the 1st chapter of your ebook, participated in 2 of the discussions, and completed at least 3 tasks in 3 different weeks. You should receive your certificate in your email inbox by April 2016.



Weekly Checklist


Did you?


  • publish the first chapter of your e-textbook

  • create a cover for your e-textbook

  • reflect on your learning during this EVO session
  • complete an online evaluation about your experience taking this session 
  • Attend the live HangOut session with moderators or catch the recording



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