

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 9 years ago

Moderators- Shelly Terrell, Moundir Al Amrani, Natasa Bozic Grojic, Lucia Bartolotti, Ian Hall, and Tyson Seburn


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Week 3 Objectives


During the third week, you will:


  • map out your first chapter for peer feedback

  • evaluate your peers' chapter outlines and provide feedback

  • evaluate publishing options
  • learn from authors what publishing frustrations to avoid
  • attend a live session with moderators


Week 3 Missions


Mission 1, Days 1-3: Map out chapter 1


Steve Jobs used to map out his ideas and presentations on paper and napkins. He'd draw the slides and elements he wanted to include (Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs).  In this way, he could visualize the end. For your 1st chapter, we want you to brainstorm in the method of your choosing. Create a framework then flesh it out with possible activities, sections, headers, images, charts, word banks, readings, listening exercises, etc. that you'd like to include. You aren't committed to this, we just want you to envision the type of chapter you'd like to write. Design with your students in mind. Try not to just stick to what you know from the typical textbook. Use some of those elements but implement other ideas. 

Here are your peers' week 3 outlines, http://ebookevo.pbworks.com/w/page/92118903/wk3mindmaps


1st. Map out your first chapter.  Try any of these recommended tools from the Listly board or do it on paper or a word processor as long as it is online somewhere for your peers to view it. Create a basic outline/skeleton of what information and topics you'd like to include in the first chapter. We recommend Google Docs for this mission, but feel free to use another tool as long as this is posted online for peers to view. 


2nd. Post your chapter 1 outline to the Google Community in the Wk 3 thread. Use the hashtag #Wk3EbookMap


3rd. Comment on your peers' outlines.

4th. Continue working on filling out chapter 1 for next week.



Mission 2, Days 1-4: Discussion on authors' frustrations


  • View this Padlet of Author Tips. Our moderators share their experiences about past obstacles they encountered and tips on how to avoid them. URL: http://padlet.com/wall/authorfrustrations
  • In the Google Community, in the Wk 3 threadanswer discussion questions related to author frustrations to avoid:
    • Which tips really stuck with you? Why? 
  • Use the hashtag #Wk3EbookDiscussion 
  • Respond to your peers' posts. 


Mission 3, Days 2-4: Analyze publishing options and choose one to create your e-textbook


  • View our recommended publishing options here. Choose 1 publishing option for your e-textbook. This does not have to be one we listed. It could be any epublishing tool.
  • Post your choice and your reasons behind this choice to the Google Community in the Wk 3 thread. Use the hashtag #Wk3EbookPublish
  • Comment on your peers' choices.



Mission 4, Day 5: Attend our Live Online Session


Each week your moderators will provide highlights, provide tips, and share your work in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend. 


Time & Date: Sunday, January31st, 10amET/3pmUTC Check your time zone here, http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=%23EbookEVO+Wk1+HangOut&iso=20160131T15&p1=1440&ah=1 


Live Session URL: http://ebookevo.pbworks.com/w/page/70379800/hangouts


Weekly Checklist


Did you....


  • map out your first chapter for peer/moderator feedback?

  • evaluate publishing options and post your choice in the Google community?
  • view the video of authors' publishing frustrations to avoid? 
  • attend the live HangOut session with moderators or catch the recording?


Readings and Resources  



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