

Page history last edited by Shelly S. Terrell 9 years ago


Welcome to week 1! We are looking forward to learning together.

Moderators- Shelly Terrell, Sue Annan, Peggy George, Janet Bianchini, Debbie Tebovich, Michelle Worgan, Özge Karaoğlu Ergen


Click on any of these links to quickly visit that mission:



Week 1 Objectives


During the first week, you will:


  • become familiar with the group tools and forums

  • introduce yourselves and begin to establish connections with each other

  • learn to create and define a copyright for your creative works

  • describe your teaching situation, learners, and their technology situation

  • meet participants and determine if you would like to work in small groups of similar settings and subject sessions in creating one collaborative e-textbook

  • evaluate the legal use of materials in your ebooks and options

  • attend a live online session with moderators



Week 1 Missions


Mission 1, Get Started with Google+ Communities and Listly


1st.  Join our GooglePlus Community where you turn in tasks and the discussions take place. This is where our discussions will take place and where you will post your completed missions. Please read these COMMUNITY GUIDELINES. Short URL http://bit.ly/ebookevoguidelines 


2nd. Once you are approved, please post a hello message in the Welcome thread. Click here to go directly to that thread.

  • If you haven't already, set up a profile on Google Plus. This isn't required but will help us get to know you better. When you set-up your profile, please post the link in your hello message. You can do this by editing the post if you choose to do it later. Click here for Google Plus tutorials
  •  OPTIONAL- post your location on our participant map. Just click on your location. You will be given options to add text and a link. Please, add a link to your blog/website/Twitter or 321 introduction and let us know your name and location. Choose any icon color except for red which is only for moderators. http://ebookevo.pbworks.com/Participant%20Map 


3rd. Register for a free Listly account. This is optional. However, this will be our e-portfolio and bookmarking tool. This is where we will pin our work, reflections, readings and resources throughout the session as well as where we will showcase your published ebook chapters. Listly is a social bookmarking tool.


Why Listly?


We use Listly to highlight content, good design, and books that we believe would be incredibly useful or refreshing. If you are on Listly, you can add to anyone's List of Bookmarks. We use Listly because it offers a way for YOU to add anything to our Lists.


  • We have Listly boards for each week. You can follow our boards to keep these resources with you when you complete the session. Click here for Listly tutorials.   


You do not need to join this wiki. It is only a place where we post the tasks and tutorials.



Mission 2, Days 1-3: Post Your 3,2,1 Introduction


1st. Once you join the Google Community, please post your 321 Introduction in the thread titled 321 Introductions. Click here to go directly there. Use any of these tools, EbookEVO.pbworks.com/Webtools, to make a fun and interesting 321 Introduction. Find participant 321 introductions here, http://list.ly/list/ADl-321-introductions 


2nd. Make sure to include in your presentation:

3  things we should know about you

2  of your favorite activities in the world

1  dream job you would have if you weren't in the field of education


3rd. Be Creative

Many learners respond to visuals and multimedia. Google Communities allow you to share video, images, and audio. You have a lot of freedom on how you would like to present the activity so be imaginative and creative. You could reuse this activity to introduce yourself to your students. We are looking forward to meeting you!


4th. Connect by Commenting

Before the end of week 1 try commenting on at least 3 other 3,2,1 posts. 



Mission 3, Jan. 5th to Day 2: Answer a Survey


Please fill out this survey so we can organize this session and also keep you updated. 


Mission 4, Days 3-5: Create a Creative Commons License for Your eTextbook


Our online textbooks will include material we have found on the Internet. We will include images, lesson ideas, articles, and materials created and shared by other individuals. Part of digital citizenship and literacy is that we have to responsibly use online materials. We want students to learn to respect copyright, and to identify where they found materials so we must model this. Creative Commons licensing has become a simple way for people to define how their images (and other works) can be used. In this task, we will learn about Creative Commons licenses and create one for our e-textbook. 


1st. Watch this slide show explaining Creative Commons. Generally, permission to use images ranges from pictures that are in the public domain (anyone can use them) to images that are copyright and require permission to use. Creative Commons licenses grant permission in advance. All Creative Commons licenses require attribution (meaning you have to credit the person who shared the image).


2nd. We can also use Creative Commons licenses to make it clear how our own work can be shared. For this task, create a Creative Commons License for your e-textbook:

  • Visit this license generator and fill in your information, http://creativecommons.org/choose/
  • Bookmark or pin your license. You will need to add this to your e-textbook at a later point.


3rd. Post which license you chose in the Wk 1 Creative Commons Discussion thread in the Google Community and respond to the following questions:


  • What does your license allow others to do with your ebook?
  • What are good ways to motivate our students to use Creative Commons material and attribute properly?


4th. Find Creative Commons images (stock as well), sounds, music, and video clips to include in your e-textbooks below. Feel free to contribute a resource we missed by adding it to our Creative Commons Listly Bookmarks


Mission 5, Days 4-6: Join a Peer Editing Group 


By the end of this session, you will have completed an outline for your e-textbook and Chapter 1. Throughout the process we will be receiving constructive peer feedback. We want to make sure the feedback is based on those who have experience with your age group and topic. Follow the steps below to join the right group.


1st. Create your "Hello" message


In your message, please include the following: 

  • the type of ebook you are creating (subject, age group, language it will be written in, etc.) 
  • please use any of these hashtags that describe your e-textbook at the end of your hello message 
    • #ELTEbookEVO if your e-textbook will be for English language learners
    • #ScienceEbookEVO if your e-textbook will be for science
    • #MathEbookEVO if your e-textbook will be for math
    • #HistoryEbookEVO if your e-textbook will be for history
    • For any other topic, please feel free to create a hashtag but we ask that you do it in the format #SubjectEbookEVO  
  • Posting hashtags will help you find other participants who will be creating an ebook similar to yours
  • OPTIONAL- Invite others to collaborate in creating an e-textbook together. This means you will produce 1 e-textbook with co-authors. You can always make a copy later since it is CC licensed and adapt it specifically to your teaching situation. Remember, we will only be completing the outline and first chapter so it's a good option if you have very little time. Include a distinctive hashtag and ask others to use this hashtag. This will allow you to see only posts to each other. 


2nd. Post your hello message in your group forum


Choose which of these groups to join and post your hello message there: 




Mission 6, Day 5: Attend our Live Online Session


Each week your moderators will provide highlights, provide tips, and share your work in Google HangOuts. Sessions will be recorded, and the recordings shared on Youtube, in case you can't attend. 


Time & Date: Sunday, January 17th, 10amET/3pmUTC Check your time zone here,  http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=%23EbookEVO+Wk1+HangOut&iso=20160117T15&p1=1440&ah=1 


Live Session URL: http://ebookevo.pbworks.com/w/page/70379800/hangouts


Weekly Checklist


Did you....



Creative Commons Resources



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