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last edited
by Shelly S. Terrell 8 years, 12 months ago
Meet Your 2016 Moderators
EVO Mentor- Dr. Nellie Deustch, @NellieMuller
Hi. This is Sue Annan. Sue was a member of the first EVO e-textbook sessions. As a teacher and Trinity Trainer she has used the knowledge gained to build a website and e-books for her Cert. and Diploma trainees. A member of IATEFL's BESIG Online team, she is also a proud Webhead, a moderator for #ELTChat on twitter, and a life-long learner.
Hi! This is Lucia Bartolotti from Trieste, Italy. Lucia teaches EFL at a High School in Trieste, where she has been the Technology Support person for the last three years. She is an Edmodo Ambassador and provides online support for Edmodo users in Italy through her own Edmodo group. She is currently in her region's official list of PD consultants. Her ePortfolio is visible here:http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/bartolottieportfolio
Hi! This is Janet Bianchini, based in Abruzzo, central Italy. Janet is an experienced teacher, teacher trainer, online moderator and blogger, with a keen interest in integrating technology in lessons. Over the past 36 years, Janet has taught students and teachers from all over the world. Janet continues to enjoy the fresh challenges that meeting new groups of learners involve. This is the third year of being a co-moderator on this session. She is one of the published co-authors of an international collaborative book project called Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning: International Perspectives. She curates the popular Gold badge awarded ScoopIt on Comics and Cartoons.
Twitter - @janetbianchini
Site- Janet's Abruzzo Edublog
Hi! My name is Walton Burns. I am a teacher and materials writer from Connecticut. I started teaching English in 2001 in the Peace Corps in Vanuatu. Since then, I’ve taught everything from Business English for Russian oil executives to Academic English for Afghani high school students to IELTS prep for Thai military officers. I currently work primarily as a freelance materials writer. I was on the author team for Inside Writing, a writing course book for Oxford University Press as well as Hangout a coursebook series for primary school children by Compass Publishing. I've also created lesson plans and digital content for online language schools.
Website: http://www.englishadvantage.info
Twitter: @EnglAdvantage
Portfolio: http://waltonburns.com/
Hi! This is Özge Karaoglu from Istanbul, Turkey. I am an English teacher, ELT author, freelance teacher trainer and educational consultant in teaching young/very young learners, teaching with web based technologies; for international organizations, schools and institutes. Currently, I am working as the K-12 foreign languages department technology integration specialist at a private school in Istanbul, Turkey. I am also teaching in a 1:1 iPad classroom with 4th graders. I am also co-designing and moderating online training courses for teachers at my school.
Twitter- Ozge
Site- Ozge's Edublog
Hi. I am Natasa Bozic Grojic. I work in a private language school and my students are adults. I have been working as a language teacher for 25 years and still believe it is the best job in the world. I spend a lot of time online, learning and sharing with other teachers. I am passionate about blogging and digital storytelling. My hobby is writing poetry.
Hi! This is Sylvia Guinan. She is an online English language teacher, online moderator, materials designer, blogger and writer. Her teaching and writing styles are influenced by literature, the arts, psychology and technology. She believes that creativity and fun lead to deeper learning experiences, higher level thinking skills, and social/emotional intelligence. She co-moderates the ELT Techniques MOOC and host various professional development courses and sessions for WizIQ.
Twitter- @ESLBrain
Site- Sylvia's English Online
Greetings! I am Peggy George. I am a retired educator who loves spending my time supporting teachers with the use of technology in their classrooms. I live in Phoenix, Arizona, and have been a professional educator for over 50 years with many roles including principal, teacher, special education director and university pre-service teacher education instructor with Arizona State University. I host the weekly Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinars which are dedicated to supporting teachers with resources and practical suggestions for incorporating Web 2.0 technologies into teaching and learning. I am a STAR Discovery Educator and a member of the K12 Online Conference Organizer Team which is responsible for planning and hosting an annual online conference for educators. I am also an Organizer for EdCampPhoenix and a regular volunteer moderator in all of the virtual conferences hosted by Steve Hargadon via the Learning Revolution.
About Me: http://about.me/peggy_george
Hi! This is Rosmery Ribery. Rosmery Ribera Ferrier teaches teens and adults English, from true beginners to advanced levels, in Bolivia. She prides herself on being a grammar enthusiast. She tries to change her teaching materials and style very often so students do not get bored. She believes in learning as a way of living and giving back to the community. Twitter: @teacherroscba
Hi! This is Tyson Seburn. As a language teacher in higher education, Tyson focuses on meaningfully engaging students with their L2 reading to afford stronger application of academic writing skills. As a teacher within the ELT community, his goal includes creating public spaces to aid self-directed action among language teachers and increase agency in their own development paths.
Hi! This is André J. Spang. He is a teacher, lecturer, musician, composer and OER-activist in Germany. He is also the co-founder of #EdchatDE, the first German and English Twitter chat, and a fore-runner in getting iPads in schools in Germany. He piloted the first iPad high school in Germany and has gotten his students to create iBooks about various subjects. He strongly believes in the “Power of Open” and his motto is:‘explore.remix.create.share’
Online Portfolio- About.me/andre.spang
Twitter- @Tastenspieler
Site- AJSpang.taurus.uberspace.de
Hi! This is Debora Tebovich. Debora is a freelance EFL teacher, iTDi mentor and online moderator based in Argentina. She is passionate about teaching and learning and she is enthusiastic about using technology to create memorable learning moments. She strongly believes in the power of Education to transform people's lives, to help and encourage freedom of thought and to develop bonds to make our world a better place for all of us and for future generations. She has helped her learners curate and publish their own ebooks to reflect their language learning.
Twitter- @DatEnglish
Site- Datenglish.blogspot.com.ar
Hi! This is Tanya Trusler from Vancouver, Canada. Tanya is an editor, writer, and materials developer with an extensive background as an ESL teacher. She edits educational materials such as online lesson plans, websites, and ebooks, and she also blogs for sproutenglish.com and esl-library.com. She is passionate about grammar and is currently developing a series of grammar ebooks. Twitter - @tanyatrusler Site - Editing to a T
Hi! This is Maria Irene Albers de Urriola, and lives and work in Valencia, Venezuela, where she has taught English at different levels, from primary to postgraduate. Currently is the Head of English Practices Department at the University of Carabobo. Currently, she is involved in the creation, production and evaluation of books for teaching English to futures teachers in Venezuela. This will be a three format serie: one paper based, and two are going to be electronic; of these, one is thought as a repository of links helpful for developing different aspects, like grammar, vocabulary. The last site will be based on comics, with plenty of communicative exercises.
Hi! This is Michelle Worgan and I live and work in the south of Spain.
I have been teaching English for over fifteen years to learners of all ages, but I especially enjoy teaching young learners.
I am in favour of using technology in the classroom where this enhances learning opportunities, and I regularly give talks and workshops on this topic, amongst others. I was co-moderator on the EVO Digital Storytelling course for two years and I co-moderated this course last year.
I am also a materials writer, having worked on primary projects both digital and paper-based for more than a year. I hope to create more ebooks in the future and I'm really looking forward to seeing yours!
Hi! This is Shelly Sanchez Terrell, the main moderator and creator of this EVO session. She is a teacher trainer, teacher, and the author of The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers: Small Steps to Transform Your Teaching and Learning to Go: Lesson Ideas for Teaching with Mobile Devices, Cell Phones and BYOT. Recently, she was named Woman of the Year 2014 by Star Jone’s National Association of Professional Women and awarded a Bammy Award as the co-founder of #Edchat. She shares regularly via TeacherRebootCamp.com, Twitter (@ShellTerrell), Facebook.com/shellyterrell, andgoogle.com/+ShellySanchezTerrell.
Online Portfolio- ShellyTerrell.com/about
Twitter- @ShellTerrell
Site- TeacherRebootCamp
Hi. This is Moundir Al Amrani. I am a teacher of English and ELT materials writer .from Morocco.I teach ESP, Business English, General English as well as other thematic courses about culture and humanities. I have been teaching English for over eleven years. I am very fond of ELT materials writing and development as well as technology. I am looking forward to meeting you.
You can find more about me by scanning the QR code below.
Twitter- @AlamraniELT
Ian Hall is a casual relief primary school teacher and IT trainer, A mentor for students and like Tony Buzan's imindmap software, Undertook previous role being E-champion of North West region of Victoria (2013) and Primary Teacher in WA (16 Years)
I like elearning and chess
Casual Relief Teacher blog: http://casualreliefteacher.blogspot.com.au/
Mahara Sept 2014 Training, Voluntary activities and Mind Mapping at: http://bit.ly/1orG1TL
Created Wikispaces for CRTs :https://ballaratcrtnetwork.wikispaces.com/
About me: http://about.me/ihall2057
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